Chiller Cooling plant in Arnhem

In this big industrial district, located in the centre of Netherland, which was in the past
one of the most important Akzo-Nobel chemical plant, it is now under re-conversion
The reconversion has the aim to improve from environment and efficiency point of view, the activities of the industrial hub. Veolia is contribution in this “Green & Efficiency” reconversion by implementing the up-to-date technology in order to reduce the energy consumption and reduce the environment effect of all the systems of this industrial compound.
One of this reconversion project was to improve the cooling system plant effectiveness by replacing the old cooling water pumps.
Marly was elected to supply the first of three pumps, which are pumping water from
the main natural water channel into the main cooling plant of the industrial plant.
The following picture show the suction point in the river of the pumping station.
The existing pumping system is made of 3 Vertical turbine pumps which sucks the
water from Kleefse Waard river, deliver the fluid to the close industrial building by a
pipeline built under the street level.
Therefore the pump execution has a line-shaft total length of 8,6 m, the delivery flange of DN500 size, located at 1,8 m below to the ground level, while on surface is placed the pump Drive head with thrust bearing and electric motor. Here following is shown the original system GA drawing.

In the following pictures is it shown the various phases of removing the existing pumps
in order to verify the dimensional measurements of the delivery flange located below
the motor drive head.

The existing pump unit was driven by a 6 poles motor of the 315 kw power size.
The pump duty point to grant a proper system cooling flow was:
- Flow = 1.100m3/h
- Pressure= 47mwc
- Speed= 744 rpm
The pump construction was in Cast Iron with bronze impeller; the stainless steel shaft was equipped with a vibration sensors system in order to monitor the bush bearings behaviour on real time.

Here following is shown the Marly alternative Vertical Turbine pump model VP22- 400/1. This Marly VP pump deliver the required duty point granting an hydraulic efficiency of 84,2 %, which is the key parameter for this project. The absorbed pump shaft power is 167 kw, which allow to use a motor size of 250kw only (compared to the previous one of the size 315 KW). The NPSH required from the pump is 6,9 m.

The pump motor is driven by frequency inverter in order to control and vary the pump
speed performing wit a variable flow in accordance with the system needs; here
following are shown the Marly performance curves according to the speed variation.

The Marly pump model VP22-400/1 under assempling

Vibration Sensors application on the bush bearing housing of the pump line- shaft.

Final preparation of the full assembled vertical turbine pump before the shipment.

Installation operation on local site at Kleefse Waard – Arnhem – Netherland

Final site pump fixation over the suction river platform

The pump is installer and ready to enter in operation.